The Null Mull
I originally published this as The Null Mull on Perlmonks
Recently, I’ve been thinking about the Null design pattern. People get wrapped up in UML diagrams, Gang of Four descriptions, and all sorts of other things. Patterns are simple, and this is one of the simpler one. It’s not complicated enough to get it’s own module (there is a Class::Null), but if you are using a module you are missing the point. These aren’t components that you plug into problems; they are ways of thinking and designing programs.
Everyone has probably experienced the pain and frustration of something in their script trying to call a method on something that isn’t a reference:
$ perl -e '1->method'
Can't call method "method" without a package or object reference at -e line 1.
This might happen from something we programmed ourselves, or because something in the bowels of a module tried to do something it shouldn’t have done. This is one of my favorite examples while teaching when I need to show people which languages have objects and which don’t. For extra credit, out of Perl, Java, C++,and Ruby, which one is really object-based instead of just object-useful?
The problem at the very bottom of this is that Perl doesn’t use objects for everything (or even anything). Perl may be an object oriented language only in that parts of it are oriented toward objects, but, like a lot of other languages that claim to be object-oriented, it has many things that aren’t objects. That’s also what makes Perl great and malleable.
If we care about this sort of thing, and there are people who do care (perhaps too much, even), we just need to use more objects. We don’t have to go crazy and make everything an object. People who like that sort of thing probably don’t use Perl anyway.
So, what do we do when we need to call a method but we don’t have an object to send that method too? For instance, in method chaining (or fluent interface), the previous step has to return an object to go onto the next step. methoda()
has to return an object that can respond to methodb()
my $result = $obj->methoda->methodb->methodc;
If methoda()
doesn’t return an object, the program dies. Not only that, if methoda()
doesn’t return an object that can respond to methodb()
, the program stops. That’s broken. If we design our interface, it shouldn’t break, even if things fail. We shouldn’t have to duct tape an eval {}
around the code to catch it from breaking, and we should be able to choose how to handle errors before perl has to.
If we can’t return the object we want because things went wrong, we can return a different object. No law in the universe says you have to return an object of the same class.
Since we only need to keep the chain from breaking (which is different than keeping it working), we need something to call methods on, and it has to respond to any method we decide to throw . We don’t know a priori which methods we might call on this other object. No problem: just return itself for any method. An AUTOLOAD
function takes care of that.
package Object::EveryMethod;
my $all = bless {}, __PACKAGE__;
sub new { $all }
sub AUTOLOAD { $_[0] }
Now I use this in my methods. If you already do the right thing with your failure codes, you have the magic value in some sort of variable or symbolic constant. Just shove the new object in there instead. The object $all
only exists once, and everyone shares it. Since it doesn’t do anything or store any information, we don’t need more than one. This is the Singleton design pattern, for those that care. I wrote about singletons in The Perl Review 0.1.
# my $False = 0; # old way
my $False = Object::EveryMethod->new();
sub methoda
my $self = shift;
if( ... everything worked ) { $self }
else { $False }
That takes care of the method chaining problem. It’s not going to break because it tries to do something it shouldn’t do, like call a method on a non-object. The chain goes all the way to the end, but the object switches at some point to an instance Object::EveryMethod
. At the end, the last method returns the Object::EveryMethod
reference. That’s our failure code. Instead of 0 or undef or whatever we get are false object.
Once we get the result, we want to know if whatever we tried to do did what we wanted it to do or if it failed. If we are doing what we are supposed to be doing, it can only fail in one way: it gives us back an instance of Object::EveryMethod
. If it worked, we get back some other object. We can use UNIVERSAL::isa
to check that, and we can use a function to hide that nastiness.
sub hey_that_worked {
not eval { $_[0]->isa( 'Object::EveryMethod' ) };
Perl v5.32 is set to add the class instance operator to handle this, as I explain in Use the infix class instance operator:
use v5.32;
sub hey_that_worked { $_[0] isa 'Object::EveryMethod' }
There are other tricks to make that we can do to test the result, but you can figure those out on your own. As long as we have a way to check, we’re all set.
We may also want to know when things go wrong and why. We have the initial concept, and if that’s not good enough for us, we just extend it a bit. Instead of a singleton, we create a error object that can carry so information. We don’t have to interrupt the flow of the program with crazy things like exceptions, and the error checking won’t dominate the useful parts of the program.
Let’s change the Object::EveryMethod a bit. We’ll add some information to the object, and a method to get the information back. Now, the first method to create it gets to set the message and it’s identity. Any method we call on it just returns the object, including all of its original information.
package Object::EveryMethod;
sub new {
my( $class, $message ) = @_;
bless {
message => $message,
setter => ... caller stuff,
}, $class;
sub AUTOLOAD { $_[0] }
sub what_happened { @{ $self }{ qw( message setter ) } }
We use it a bit differently. We create a tiny object for each error (or, we can use a pool of flyweight objects).
sub methoda
my $self = shift;
if( ... everything worked ) { return $self }
else {
my $failure = "Oops, I did it again!";
return Object::EveryMethod->new( $failure );
Once we have the Object::EveryMethod
, we can check it as before to get information out of it to see what went wrong.
From there the variations are up to you, and you can design the Object::EveryMethod
class to fit your needs. Indeed, you should make your own instead of using some module. Make your own design decisions to fit the situation. Design patterns aren’t about using the right modules: they’re about doing things that fit into the rest of the project.
We can hang some other fancy features on Object::EveryMethod
. Since we use AUTOLOAD
for everything, we can’t call the can()
method on them while returning a value that users of can()
expect. We have to give back true or false, not another object. We just add our own can()
method that always returns true.
package Object::EveryMethod;
sub new {
my $class = shift;
bless { ... }, $class;
sub AUTOLOAD { $_[0] }
sub can { 1 }
sub what_happened { @{ $self }{ qw( message setter ) } }
If that doesn’t work for us, we can make it return false, except for the methods we defined. If we are already using can()
, we probably expect the object to actually do something useful when we call the method we check and have a way to handle it if the object can’t do what we need. Since we define our own can()
, Perl finds that one before it gets a chance to check UNIVERSAL
package Object::EveryMethod;
sub new {
my $class = shift;
bless { ... }, $class;
sub AUTOLOAD { $_[0] }
sub can { 0 unless defined &{$_[1]} }
sub what_happened { @{ $self }{ qw( message setter ) } }
We need only ensure that what_happened()
(or any other method in Object::EveryMethod
) doesn’t exist in any other class interface, or we’re back to breaking things again. There are lots of ways around that too.
So, for not too much work, we get a way to not break method chaining, don’t have to use eval {}
to catch broken code, don’t need exceptions, and it can fit into what we’re already doing with all of our other objects. Beware though: just because it has all that, it isn’t necessarily the right way to do things for whatever we are doing.