Fixing a Perl module in the middle of a GitHub workflow

A third-party Perl module updated its minimum Perl version and broke a large part of the automated testing and release of one of my Perl modules. I had to do a little brain surgery to fix this, and it’s not even the fix I’d really like for this sort of situation.

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When backups are the problem

What happens when backing up the database is the reason the database goes down and you can’t open additional SSH connections? What follows is not a tale of technical wizardry but a confession of stupidity and neglect.

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Backups and resiliency for open source code

The 3-2-1 rule is the basic advice about backups: have three copies, on two different types of media, in at least one far away location. That’s a good start, but there are other things to consider.

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exiftool cheatsheet


Adjust the hour and the time zone offset, including the Canon Tags.

Take an hour

exiftool -overwrite_original -TimeZoneCity=Chicago -TimeZone=-05:00 -alldates-=1 "-offsettime*=-05:00"

exiftool overwrite_original -alldates-=3 "-offsettime*=-07:00" -TimeZone=-7:00 -TimeZoneCity#=30 -verbose test.CR3


exiftool -progress -overwrite_original -geotag foo.gpx DIR

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Encrypting secrets for GitHub's API with Perl and libsodium

The GitHub API for Secrets uses libsodium to exchange the secret. I request the public key for my repository, I encrypt my secret with my repository’s public key, and I send it back to GitHub. My repository can then decode it with its secret key (which I don’t know).

The API docs have examples in Node, Python, Ruby, and C#. I worked out an example in Perl which takes the Base64 encoded public key as provided by the API and returns the Base64 encoded secret I need to send back.

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