Pausing Cloudflare with Mojo::UserAgent
My various Perl blogs, such as, run through Cloudflare, a global service that sits in front of servers to filter and respond to traffic. Should I ever be slashdotted (unlikely) or the target of some random attack (much more likely but still unlikely), I can turn off traffic at Cloudflare before it ever reaches my server.
But sometimes I don’t want that extra layer, like when I’m debugging something. Cloudflare lets me pause their service so I can deal with the servers directly. For a long time, I’d pause the sites by hand through the web UI. You can probably already see where this is going.
The first time I need to do something, anything, I do it manually. The second time I think “I should automate this”. The third time, “I really should automate this”. At some point, maybe the fifth time, I say “I’m automating this right now”. Typically it’s very easy to automate, but I still have half my brain in the pre-web-API world. Now everything has an API, and some are even easy to use. Embarrassingly, I didn’t think to automate this because the task deserved it. Instead, I wanted an example for my upcoming ebook on Mojolicious web user agents.
There are two things I need for the Cloudflare API: my overall account key and the ID of the particular site that I want to affect. I make a PATCH request and send a little bit of JSON to pause a single site:
use Mojo::UserAgent;
my $ua = Mojo::UserAgent->new;
my $url = '' . $site_id;
my $tx = $ua->patch( $url =>
json => { paused => Mojo::JSON->true }
The first time I wrote this program, I copied the IDs for each site—about 20 of them—into a hash. That wasn’t a big deal because I already had the list, but I would otherwise have to visit each site’s Cloudflare page. That’s certainly something I wouldn’t want to do were I managing hundreds of domains. But, the API will give all that too me too. After a couple minutes, I had this program:
use Mojo::Base -base, -signatures;
use Mojo::UserAgent;
my $ua = Mojo::UserAgent->new;
$ua->on( start => sub ($ua, $tx) {
$tx->req->headers->header('X-Auth-Email' => $ENV{CLOUDFLARE_EMAIL});
$tx->req->headers->header('X-Auth-Key' => $ENV{CLOUDFLARE_AUTH_KEY});
my $boolean = $ARGV[0] ? 'true' : 'false';
my $sites_tx = $ua->get(
'' =>
form => {
page => 1,
per_page => 50,
foreach my $site ( $sites_tx->result->json->{result}->@* ) {
say join ' ', $site->@{qw(id name)};
my $url = '' . $site->{'id'};
my $tx = $ua->patch( $url =>
json => { paused => Mojo::JSON->$boolean() }
say $tx->result->code, ' ', $site;
To use this, I supply a command-line argument. A true argument (anything Perl considers true) should pause all the sites:
$ pause-cloudflare 1
When I’m done, I use a false value to unpause the sites:
$ pause-cloudflare 0
The details
Mojo::Base takes care of the usual boilerplate with its -base
and -signatures
settings. The signature feature introduced in v5.20 is still experimental, but Mojolicious can load it for you and turn off its experimental warnings.
Since I’m only talking to Cloudflare, I set up my user-agent to do some work for every request. The API expects my email and API key in the request headers so I use a start
handler to add those. I could do this per request, but if I need to talk to a different server, I can always make a different user-agent.
Next, I need to get the list of my zone (site) IDs. The $sites_tx
transaction handles that. Since I have fewer than 50 sites, I can get everything in one go. Otherwise I’d have to do some work to handle the pagination, in which case I might want to bring in Mojo::Promise to start pausing sites while I’m still fetching site IDs.
The foreach
goes through all of the sites from $sites_tx
to get the the ID. From that I make a new request. The PATCH request pauses the site: now Cloudflare doesn’t get in the way of requests.
There’s a trick here, though. In the JSON, I need to send a boolean value. That’s a true
or false
, but not the strings "true"
or "false"
. These mean different things in JSON:
{ "value": true }
{ "value": 1 }
{ "value": "true" }
In my own programming I can normalize those values to be what I need them to be, but when I’m talking to a web API, I don’t have that flexibility. Perl doesn’t have such a value that I can put in the hash I give for the PATCH data. This won’t work:
json => { paused => "false" }
How do I know that? That’s what I did first, and that’s what all of the answers to “why doesn’t my Cloudflare API call work?” point to. That’s not the expected value. In this case, the string value “false” ends up being true on the other side (just like “false” is a true value in Perl).
But, Mojolicious knows this. I have two options. References to 0 or 1 turn into the right JSON boolean values:
json => { paused => \0 }
I can also call Mojo::JSON->true
or ->false
to get the same
thing. I like that a bit better because references to literal values
tend to cause question (and some people think it’s a mistake so they
remove the \
I use the command line argument to decide which of those methods to
choose and store the method name in $boolean
. I use that variable as
the method name for
Wrapping it up
Mojolicious facilities for events (the start
event) and built-in JSON support made this task quite easy. It’s easy to configure a user-agent for a particular site and then extract the results.
Now that I have a program that automates some work, something that took me five minutes takes me no time at all. Not only that, it happens the same way each time. I don’t have the chance to forget to unpause a site. If I’d started the whole thing by looking for an API (which, to be fair, I’m not sure existed when I started using the service) I could have saved myself quit a bit of time.