One-liners for Farhenheit to Celcius

tags: bash 

I wanted to make some shell aliases for temperature conversions and I got carried away.


% perl -e 'printf qq|%.1f\n|, 32 + ((9/5)*shift)' 100
% perl -e 'printf qq|%.1f\n|, (5/9)*(shift() - 32)' 212


% dc -e '10 k 9 5 / ? * 32 + f' <<< 100
% dc -e '10 k 5 9 / ? 32 - * f' <<< 211.95

I wanted to try bc too, but I couldn’t figure out how to make it fill in a parameter.

ssl (Stupid Stack Language)

Perhaps using my implementation of Stupid Stack Language:

% ssl avavimiilblbavavvdplblbhmlblbgx <<< 100
% ssl avvdavplblbavqimiilblbhclblbmx <<< 212