No ifs, ands, or buts


Sometimes I force myself to not use a feature. What if I couldn’t use if? Were that true, I’d have to do something else. Here’s an example from Smalltalk, where there’s no special syntax for if. Instead, there’s a Boolean receiver with ifTrue: and ifFalse: methods:

( ... )
	ifTrue: [...]
	ifFalse: [...].

That’s easy enough to do in Perl too, and this is almost the same implementation as Smalltalk (at least Pharo’s, but I haven’t checked any others). The object knows what to do because it knows what it is rather than what it contains. Different classes have the same methods but act differently only based on their identity:

use v5.20;

package Boolean {
	use experimental qw(signatures);
	sub new ( $class, $boolean ) {
		state @o = ( Boolean::False->new, Boolean::True->new );
		$o[ !! $boolean ]

package Boolean::True {
	use experimental qw(signatures);
	sub new ( $class ) { bless {}, $class }
	sub if_true  ( $self, $sub ) { $sub->(); $self }
	sub if_false ( $self, $sub ) { $self }

package Boolean::False {
	use experimental qw(signatures);
	sub new ( $class ) { bless {}, $class }
	sub if_true  ( $self, $sub ) { $self }
	sub if_false ( $self, $sub ) { $sub->(); $self }

Boolean->new( 5 < 3 )
	->if_true( sub { say "Less Than" } )
	->if_false( sub { say "Greater Than" } );

Boolean->new( 0 )
	->if_true( sub { say "True" } )
	->if_false( sub { say "False" } );

Boolean->new( 37 )
	->if_true( sub { say "True" } )
	->if_false( sub { say "False" } );

The Ruby version looks a bit closer to Smalltalk because Ruby syntax knows about bare blocks and I don’t need parens to call another method right after the block. I cheat a bit in Ruby because I define my own #new:

class Boolean
	def b )
	 !!b ? :

	class True
		def initialize; end
		def if_false(&block);             self; end
		def if_true(&block);; self; end

	class False
		def initialize; end
		def if_false(&block);; self; end
		def if_true(&block);              self; end
end 2 < 3 )
	.if_true  { puts "True"  }
	.if_false { puts "False" };

This works for more than just Booleans. Here’s a four state version that does FizzBin. Once I see people solve the problem in a job interview, I ask them to do it again with no if statements. I don’t expect them to come up with this, and I do use and here so I’m cheating a bit:

use v5.20;

package Number {
	use experimental qw(signatures);
	sub new ( $class, $n ) {
        my( $subclass ) = grep { $_ } (
			( !($n % 3) and !($n % 5) and 'ThreeFive' ),
			( !($n % 3) and 'Three' ),
			( !($n % 5) and 'Five' ),

package None {
	sub new        { bless {}, $_[0] }
	sub if_three   { $_[0] }
	sub if_five    { $_[0] }
	sub if_neither { $_[0] }

package Neither {
	use parent qw(-norequire None);
	sub if_neither { $_[1]->(); $_[0] }

package Three {
	use parent qw(-norequire None);
	sub if_three { $_[1]->(); $_[0] }
package Five {
	use parent qw(-norequire None);
	sub if_five { $_[1]->(); $_[0] }
package ThreeFive {
	use parent qw(-norequire None);
	sub if_three { $_[1]->(); $_[0] }
	sub if_five  { $_[1]->(); $_[0] }

foreach my $n ( 1 .. 20 ) {
	Number->new( $n )
		->if_three(   sub { print 'Fizz' } )
		->if_five(    sub { print 'Bin'  } )
		->if_neither( sub { print $n     } );
	print "\n";